Located in Eastern Iowa, Hein Insurance focuses solely on crop insurance.
Hein Insurance was started over 30 years ago in 1988, as Steve Recker Insurance after the notorious 1980s farm crisis. Ever since then, this business has been helping producers manage risk in their operations.
In 2015, Justin Hein of rural Monticello was added to the team, and Recker Hein Insurance was formed.
In 2023, Justin has officially assumed the ownership and operations of the business, now known as Hein Insurance. The agency specializes in Multi-Peril and Crop-Hail Insurance as well as other private add-on products.
a farmer-agent who uses the products he sells.
My name is Justin Hein, and I am the owner/farmer behind our company. I grew up farming. It is just something that I've always done. From the time I could pretty much walk, I have been on the farm watching my dad, wrenching on equipment, walking fields, and operating machinery. And I didn't stop. I think it's in my blood.
In 2023, I’ve assumed the lead role here at Hein Insurance, and with a new look and a new name, I’m providing the same dependable, quality insurance and customer service that our clients have come to expect since 1988.
My mission is to help you make your operation as successful as possible. I’ll work with you to provide crop insurance options from a farmer's point of view because I understand the risks your operation faces each year--be it adverse weather or volatile markets.
Let Hein Insurance help implement a crop insurance plan that provides peace of mind and comfort in an ever-changing business.
Justin: 319.480.5505
Justin Hein
10661 Richland Road
Monticello, IA 52310
IDALS Cover Crop Subsidy Pilot Program: for those that use cover crops in their crop rotation please see link below with more information on pilot program and sign-up instructions. If you qualify you could be eligible for crop insurance premium discount.
IDALS Cover Crop sign-up link: https://www.cleanwateriowa.org/covercropdemo
Farmers Mutual Hail: Policyholder Center - https://www.fmh.com/policyholders/policyholder-center
Click the link above to sign-up for your policyholder account to view policy information, claim status, upload precision data, & more!
Precision Reporting
Use your recorded planting & harvest data to easily report acres & production for your crop insurance policy with the click of a button.
In most cases you will insure less acres, saving premium, & increasing your APH over time.
Not to mention less record keeping requirements in an APH or claim audit review situation.
Sales Closing Date: March 15
Production Reporting Deadline: April 29
Early Plant Date Corn: April 10
Early Plant Date Soybeans: April 15
Final Plant Date Corn: May 31
Final Plant Date Soybeans: June 15
Acreage Reporting Deadline: July 15
Spring Prices:
Corn: $4.66/bu.
Soybeans: $11.55/bu.
Harvest Prices:
Corn: $4.16/bu.
Soybeans: $10.03/bu.
Margin Protection Prices 2025:
Corn: $4.40/bu.
Soybeans: $10.42/bu.