Why Farmers Should Consider Precision Technology Reporting

With all the time and dollars invested in these modern technological advancements, why not use the data from these technologies as much as possible?

That’s what I thought too. As an insurance agent and farmer myself, the precision technology I use in my tractors and combine is instrumental in decision making for products and inputs selections, and I appreciate that I can now use that data for electronic acreage reporting, production reporting, and claims – making crop insurance faster, easier, and more accurate.


One advantage of Precision Tech Reporting is that our software connects with a variety of Farm Management Softwares for a more seamless reporting experience including Climate Fieldview & My John Deere. Once planting is complete just send your data and reports can be generated to take to your local FSA office to help speed up the certification process.


Another advantage of Precision Tech Reporting is that you are using data you’ve already captured. Electronic data reporting means you can file conveniently from your farm or home office. In addition, you have less paper to process and file away; everything is conveniently located in our online system for easy access anytime, from anywhere, on any device.

More accurate

With the precision data you collect, you know exactly your acres and yield, this means that you insure directly what you plant and harvest. So not only is the data used in your insurance more exact, but it could result in cost savings on premiums and potentially increase your APH over time. In a claim or APH review only three documents are needed to process. (1. Planting Maps, 2. Harvest Wet-Weight Maps, & 3. Calibration Form) In my opinion this is the largest benefit of reporting your acres & production via your precision technology.

If you’d like to discuss using Precision Reporting for your insurance coverage, get in touch with Justin at 319-480-5505.